Updates and Progress…Obolo Films

It’s been so long since I have written anything here. It seems like whenever I have a
project on my plate, it almost always crashes and burns. Having had the opportunity
to sit with Bret Ratner, I learned to always have 3 to 5 things on the agenda and throw them all against the wall and see what sticks.

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I finished my first “real” project.  “10 Minute Date” is edited and I have it on Ourstage.com for voting and I am also submitting it to some online film festivals, so we’ll see how I fare.  You can watch it in its entirety here …vote if you get a chance.  I’m reading on the site that the voting can’t be rigged, so we will see.

Not much voting really going on, so I’m going to post this in a few more places.  I’m on to the next project.  In my opinion, you can’t fall in love with a film.  You have to plan it, shoot it, edit it, and then let it go and move on.

When I talked to Bret Ratner, he told me to have at least 3 to 4 projects on the table at any given time.  Throw it against the wall and see what sticks.


Trailer Done

I finished the teaser for 10 Minute date its posted on the film page. I should have it edited in the next week or so. Im not hapy with the amount of b-roll I have at all so I have a sneaking suspision I will be shooting some more this week. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist in my own little world, I know as soon as I get it finished someone else would look at the film and say they would have done things differently. Then Im sure movies would never get done! Ill keep you posted.


Big Narstie Video (Hello Hi)

Ive been working on this video for that last few days. Its not much in the way of videos to be honest but it does show the quality of the Canon XH A1. I used the multiclip function in Final Cut Pro and I can tell you that without that video editing would be a drag! Its a total life saver. I will have a rough cut uploaded for viewing tonight and hopefully the final cut by the weekend. Continue reading

10 Minute Date

10 Minute Date is an in-depth look at an international call girl from the USA currently working in London. In this short documentary is everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask. The film goes into detail about what she does, who she does it with, and why she does it. Continue reading

Ok what do I want to shoot?

I have so many things I would like to shoot, and really I don’t have a clue on what I should do. There are so many things I am passionate about, but I get stuck thinking, “No one else wants to hear about that”, or I look at what someone else has done and say to myself, “that’s an interesting story…why didn’t I think of that?”  So I have thought about it and I think I should go with what I know. Continue reading

What’s in the Bag?

Here is a list of whats in my Camera bag and what I use to do my thang!sdh_0161.jpg

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Hello World is Right!

I always like to leave the Hello World title on my first post because it fits so well.  I’m writing this blog to keep up with my activities.  I have read other blogs and they are so helpful, so as I move on with my filmmaking, I hope I can help others out and gather more information as I grow.  At the moment, I will post some shorts I have done

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